New Directions (2): The Books & DVD Department

Gioberto Robbi has apparently started to work on his latest tome, Paddle College, with Ian Adair consulting. Rumour has it that all seven volumes can either be read or shown empty from both ends.


Big Butt Media will be back soon with the latest installment of their hailed Project DVD series, this time compiling and teaching “30 Ways to Take a Deck From The Case”.


The Academee of Majical Arts is expected to release a major mental miracle called “Wilma’s Winners” soon. It allows you to elegantly predict all future AMA winners from a secret list featuring, umm, all previous AMA winners. The booklet includes a cheat sheet and a coupon for a “pay 3, get 2” standing lunch at the Magic Castleteria.

Ever Noticed? (2)

Ever noticed? There are more magic acts, scenes and allusions in contemporary TV series than contemporary allusions in most magic acts. Hmm…


Ever noticed? Many one trick DVDs are lame one trick ponys – if they were real, you’d have to shoot them on the spot.


Ever noticed? Some of these colorful “Chinese Boxes” you love so dearly display quite heavy expletives in Japanese. Be warned and beware!

New Directions: The Books & DVD Department

Geniial and untiring columnist Jon Drachenbaumer briefly suffered from acute bookitis and had had an appendix removed. He’s doing better now, as he writes and wrings in his latest ebook tome of 16 pages, Onward Journées.


As the electronic mentalism craze is dwindling, rumour has it that master mentalists Luke Warm and Richard Osterhas are joining forces on the next big thing: a groundbreaking 5 DVD set, Feather Flowers and Balloon Animals in Mentalism.


We are also eagerly awaiting the colorful autobiography of New York City’s own Meshug A. Klutz, Fun, Games, and Schnitzels: 30 Years of Cutting Edge at My Mitzvah Magic Bar.