A Magic Castle Crumbling

Whew, if you want to kill your festive feelings, you may want to read this lengthy investigative piece from the Los Angeles Times about misconduct, racism and sexual harassment at the Magic Castle.

What a sad and disturbing read!

This article comes down on the management like an ungaffed head chopper. And all they can conjure up is some blurb from The Hogwash Castle’s Corporate Handbook of Hollow PR Patter?

Obviously, it’s impossible to judge the facts from the distance, but if only half the allegations were true, the Castle and AMA should probably consider rebranding as Home of Magic’s Master Molestors…

Kudos to Hannibal for speaking up and calling out on the harassers! Let’s hope that he still has a career.

Sadly, magicians have always been masters at making women feel uncomfortable, both on and off stage. Misdirection and misconduct are often linked like Himber rings. So it’s probably not a big surprise to see the Castle portrayed as a haunting place of old, white randy sinners who got stuck in those 60s/70s vibes of heavy drinks, light packet tricks, slick patter and sleazy fingers.

Time for a major Metamorphosis performance!

Addendum as of Dec. 18:

The Magic Castle’s general manager under fire has resigned from his position, as the Los Angeles Times reports.

New Directions (2): The Books & DVD Department

Gioberto Robbi has apparently started to work on his latest tome, Paddle College, with Ian Adair consulting. Rumour has it that all seven volumes can either be read or shown empty from both ends.


Big Butt Media will be back soon with the latest installment of their hailed Project DVD series, this time compiling and teaching “30 Ways to Take a Deck From The Case”.


The Academee of Majical Arts is expected to release a major mental miracle called “Wilma’s Winners” soon. It allows you to elegantly predict all future AMA winners from a secret list featuring, umm, all previous AMA winners. The booklet includes a cheat sheet and a coupon for a “pay 3, get 2” standing lunch at the Magic Castleteria.