The Multiplying Books

It’s springtime in Magic Bookie Land, new titles just keep popping up everywhere like mushrooms on a wet day!

Just about two weeks ago, Penguin Magic brought out Juan Tamariz‘s opus magnum, The Magic Rainbow. You may want to GET THIS NOW. Yes, it’s 149 Euro, but it has almost 600 pages and costs about what you paid for the last four or five “latest wonders” or overpriced one trick DVDs, so why worry? This one is likely to serve you a lifetime supply of brain food to understand magic better and to make you a much better performer.


Last week, Dover published a Kindle edition of How to Make a Living as a Professional Magician: Business First, Sleight-of-Hand Later by Matt Patterson. It’s an updated version of his 1997 manual, Blood, Sweat, and Pinky Breaks, which I had been unaware of before. The price is 12,45 Euro.

Only today I noticed a revised and extended edition of JosePepe” Carroll‘s two volume modern card magic classic, 52 Lovers, now advertised as 52 Lovers Through the Looking-Glass over at Vanishing Inc. The price is 70 Dollars.

Vanishing Inc. have also just started a new line of booklets called Astonishing Essays, which are pigeon-holed somewhere between lecture notes and books. The first three out of ten booklets planned feature Steve Cohen, Rob Zabrecky and an unnamed Prison Magician (with a lifetime sentence).


By the way, Steve Cohen also put out a fine graphic novel just recently, The Millionaires’ Magician. The price is 24,99 Dollar, and you can catch a full online preview here.

Oh, and not to forget our very own Pit Hartling, who has just republished his acclaimed first book, Card Fictions, and his more recent, but quickly-out-of-print mem deck oeuvre, In Order to Amaze. Prices are 35 and 52 Euro.


Für unsere deutschsprachigen Zauberfreunde: Thorsten Havener hat ganz frisch ein neues Buch am Markt. Sag es keinem weiter: Warum wir Geheimnisse brauchen beginnt mit einer sehr berührenden, persönlichen Geschichte des Autors. Danch reitet er flott durch einen Wust von Gedanken und Anekdoten, Studienergebnissen und Info-Häppchen. Im Mittelteil dürften dann auch viele Zauberfreunde auf ihre Kosten kommen und manchem vertrauten Namen und Prinzip begegnen. Der Preis: 16 Euro.


Bei Amazon ist am 11. Februar Der Experte am Kartentisch von S.W Erdnase auf deutsch erschienen. Der Untertitel: “Wie Sie erfolgreich manipulieren und meisterhaft zaubern”. Nun ja. Ob es sich bei dieser Veröffentlichung des Nikol Verlages um die bekannte Übersetzung von Christian Scherer handelt, konnte ich noch nicht feststellen. Der Preis: 7,95 Euro.