Tenyo Tricks 2024

Dealers and collectors are preparing for the release of the 2024 line-up: a visual wallet trick, an also very visual card trick, a tiny book test, and a typical Tenyo plastic trick. They should be available around mid-October, with prices ranging approximately between 18 and 27 Euros over here. So here are the trick names and the PR blurb for dealers:

Shocking Pass Case

“The magician shows the transparent compartment of a wallet and inside it puts a white piece of paper after having folded it. He gives the transparent compartment a “snap” and takes out the piece of paper that will now magically have writing on it! The same can be done with a playing card of hearts, for example, which will turn into a spades, and for many more transformations in full sight!”

Magical Picture Cards

“The magician asks a spectator to select a card. Then he shows a deck of blank cards except for a couple of drawn cards. He places these two cards on the table and brushes the white deck across the table four times as if he were painting, and each time releasing a “stripe” of cards. There will be four rows of cards on the table, vertically placed side by side, which will magically compose a drawing (they were white before!) representing a Japanese person who predicts the chosen card!”

Mentalist’s Animal Photo Book

“The mentalist hands the spectator a booklet that has different pictures of animals on each page and asks him to choose two pages at random. On the two adjacent pages the spectator will see three animals. The mentalist asks the spectator to place his hand on the pictures one at a time while trying to visualise the pictures in his mind and mentally transmitting them to him. The mentalist then writes three animals down: they will be the exact names of the animals thought of by the spectator!”

Mistery Showcase

“The magician shows a small pedestal surmounted by a transparent case. He removes it and, from the pedestal, takes away and shows a stand with a slit in the center. He puts this stand back on the pedestal and puts the case back in position by blocking the pedestal and case with an elastic band. He covers everything with a rectangular tube and after a moment, he removes it and a coin will have magically appeared in the case, displayed vertically on the stand!”

Let’s see if the latter comes close to this year’s Mister Danger in terms of genuine Tenyo plastic ingenuity!


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